Wuhan MOREGREEN AGRICULTURE  CO., LTD is a company associates with Greencare Fertilizers USA. The company has factories around China to produce 2 brands of water soluble fertilizers, Greencare and Moregreen, which are known for high-quality, high-efficiency, environmentally-friendly and balanced effect and widely used in agriculture and horticulture. With the help of Seplex, a high-tech chemical that can make all the 12 elements perfectly exist together, they are considered the vanguard of new technology of world fertilizer. Also, Wuhan MOREGREEN AGRICULTURE  CO., LTD produces and runs the export raw materials and new type of chelated single-element fertilizer. Its products includes: MAP, MKP; calcium ammonium nitrate; potassium nitrate by spontaneous nucleation; new type of chelated zinc, iron and calcium that can mix together with MAP and MKP.

1.Complete Nutrients
MOREGREEN invented the first fertilizer that contains all 12 nutrient elements that are needed for the complete life cycle of the plant in a completely water soluble form.
2.Balanced Nutrients
MOREGREEN produces specialty formulations needed for each stage of plant growth: seed sprouting, green top growth, flower bud for fruiting, and ripening for harvest quality. Each stage of growth requires a different ratio of balanced nutrients.
3.Environmental Protection
MOREGREEN fertilizers contain no hormones, unnecessary elements or fillers that only increase weight and cost. 100% of all the elements are used for plant growth from seed sprouting to high quality harvest.
4.Dissolves Quickly, Available in Many Colors
MOREGREEN fertilizers dissolve completely without any sediment producing a clear solution. Fertilizers produce solutions in a variety of colors including: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange and pink.
5.Fully Ionic State
Plants can only use nutrient elements in the ionic form; whether the fertilizer is organic, chemical or biological in origin. If the fertilizer dissolves completely it is in the ionic form. MOREGREEN proprietary chemistry uses SEPLEX to produce a completely ionic fertilizer solution.
MOREGREEN fertilizer has good compatibility with most plant protective chemicals and can be applied with pesticides saving labor.
Some fertilizer nutrients are not chemically compatible and form insoluble sediments or harmful chemical reactions that can harm plant growth and destroy soil chemistries. MOREGREEN uses proven modern fertilizer chemistry along with proprietary chemistry to produce fertilizers that grow crops of the highest quality in the shortest period of time and improve soil quality. This originality assures the most cost effective fertilizer to yield the best profitable economic return.